EC Symposium 2023
75Th Swissdams Anniversary

75Th Swissdams Anniversary

The Swiss Day will take place on September 7th 2023, and will focus on the following points:

  • Historic perspective of dams and reservoirs in Switzerland
  • Dam safety in Switzerland
  • Technical perspective
  • Societal perspective
  • Swiss dam engineering abroad
  • Trends and outlook: Role of Swiss dams and reservoirs in the 21st century
Swiss Day — 75TH Anniversary Swiss Committee on Dams
13:30 – 13:35Welcome address and introduction, Prof. Robert Boes, President of the Swiss Committee on DamsTheatersaal 
13:35 – 13:40FilmTheatersaal 
13:40 – 14:00 Welcome address, Dr. Albert Rösti, Swiss Federal Councillor, Depart. of Environment, Transport, Energy and CommunicationsTheatersaal 
14:00 – 14:20Swiss dams: overview of historical development, Prof. em. Anton Schleiss, Hon. President CIGB- ICOLD and STK/CSBTheatersaal 
14:20 – 14:40Energy context in Switzerland and role of Hydropower reservoirs, Mr. Yves Zumwald, CEO SwissgridTheatersaal 
14:40 – 15:00Swiss dam engineering in the world, Dr. Patrice Droz, President of the Organizing Committee of ECS2023Theatersaal 
15:00 – 15:40Coffee BreakTheatersaal 
15:40 – 16:00Dam heightening in Switzerland, Mr. Alexandre Wohnlich, Board member of the Swiss Committee on DamsTheatersaal 
16:00 – 16:20Multi-purpose dams and water resources management in the Alpine context, Prof. Emmanuel Reynard, Université de LausanneTheatersaal 
16:20 – 16:35Outstanding past Swiss dam engineers, Prof. em. Willi HagerTheatersaal 
16:35 – 16:55Role of Swiss dams and reservoirs in the future, Prof. Robert BoesTheatersaal 
16:55 – 17:00Introduction of the study tour on Friday to KWO Power Plant OberhasliTheatersaal 
17:00 – 17:40Coffee BreakBallssaal / Rondell
17:40 – 18:35ROUND TABLE – moderated by Dr Nicole Frank, journalist , withTheatersaal 
Michel Lino – Président du CIGB-ICOLD
Benoit Revaz, Directeur de l’Office fédéral de l’énergie
Laurent Mouvet – Vice-président du CIGB-ICOLD
Serafaina Lazaridou – Président du Club européen du CIGB
Robert Boes – Président du Comité suisse des barrages, ETH Zurich
Yves Zumwald – CEO Swissgrid SA
Felipe Lazaro – Spécialiste principal des barrages, la Banque mondiale
18:35 – 18:45Q & ATheatersaal 
18:45 – 18:50ClosureTheatersaal 
Swiss Night – 75th Anniversary Gala Dinner
19:00 – 19:20Apéro SektKongress-Saal
19:20 – 23:0075th Anniversary Swiss Committee on Dams Gala DinnerKongress-Saal
21:15 – 22:15Musical entertainment with Oesch die DrittenKongress-Saal