EC Symposium 2023
Themen des Symposiums

Themen des Symposiums

Die Themen des Symposiums lauten wie folgt:

12th ICOLD European Club Symposium
“Role of dams and reservoirs in a successful energy transition”
Thema A: Dams and reservoirs for hydropower in EuropeOpportunity for energy generation and storage
Large-scale storage reservoirs
Pumped storage reservoirs
New energy potential (PV, …)
Efficiency increase of existing schemes
Thema B: Dams and reservoirs for climate change adaptation in EuropeBalancing extreme hydrological conditions (floods, droughts)
Protection against floods
Protection against other natural hazards (mass movements, glacier lake outburst floods, …)
Irrigation and water supply
Multipurpose dams
Thema C: Impact mitigation of dams and reservoirs in EuropeEnvironmental flows
Sediment continuum
Fish passage
Greenhouse gas emissions
Thema D: How to deal with ageing dams and levees in EuropeDam safety
Upgrade and refurbishment
Extension and renewal
Incorporating new purposes

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